Le site internet https://www.wallaceparis.com
est la propriété de la société BENNETTE, société par actions simplifiée au capital de 1000 euros, immatriculée au registre du commerce et des sociétés de Paris sous le numéro 849 576 970, dont le siège est situé 10 rue Claude Matrat - 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux, représentée par Juliette Aubonnet.

The site is hosted by OVH - 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France

Contact by email : contact@wallaceparis.com

The publication is managed by Juliette Aubonnet.

It is reminded that the secrecy of correspondence is not guaranteed on the Internet network and that it is up to each Internet user to take all appropriate measures to protect his own data and/or software from contamination by any viruses circulating on the Internet.

Intellectual Property

The Site as a whole, as well as any of its components, in particular any program, content, data, text, image, photograph, animation, logo, brand, sound, graphic, visual or database, is protected by the French Intellectual Property Code and is the exclusive property of Wallace Paris or the relevant rights holders.

Any reproduction or representation, total or partial, of any element of the Site, on any medium and by any means whatsoever, is prohibited and would constitute an infringement punishable by articles L.335-2 and following of the Code of intellectual property that may engage the civil and criminal liability of the infringer. Wallace Paris reserves the right to initiate civil and criminal legal proceedings, in France and abroad, in particular for counterfeiting or unfair competition, against any person who, directly or indirectly, has infringed its rights.

The same applies to the databases on the website, which are protected by the provisions of the law of July 1, 1998 transposing the European directive of March 11, 1996 on the legal protection of databases into the Intellectual Property Code.

The user acknowledges the existence of these property rights and shall refrain from (i) taking any action that might compromise or limit them and/or (ii) interfering in any way with their free use by Wallace Paris.


The information provided by Bennette on the Site (www.wallaceparis.com) is indicative and may be subject to change without notice. Bennette does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information provided on the Site, nor can it be held liable in this regard.

Bennette makes every effort to ensure that users can access the Site at all times, except during maintenance periods. However, the Site, as well as any element contained therein, is provided "as is" and Bennette provides no guarantee other than those set forth herein, in particular no guarantee of uninterrupted operation of the Site or of the absence of errors, viruses or anomalies, latent defects, or suitability for any particular need or use.

The user acknowledges that he/she uses the information and tools available on the Site under his/her exclusive responsibility, that he/she has the necessary skills and means to access and use the Site, and that he/she has verified that the computer configuration he/she is using does not contain any viruses and is in perfect working order.

Personal data and cookies

All the personal information given during your orders is used only in the framework of your commercial relationship with www.wallaceparis.com. This information is never shared with third parties or resold.

The site uses cookies to enhance your shopping experience on the site. These cookies help us keep track of your order and allow us to recognize you and give you access to your personal space.